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About new members

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Author Topic: About new members  (Read 538 times)
Jr. Member

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« on: October 09, 2010, 10:26:08 pm »

I am not sure if this is the right place to post this (maybe it should be on the off topic section) but since I see this as some kind of problem, I will be posting here.

First of all, I don't have nothing againts new comers, I was one myself not long ago and it is nice to see the forum growing bit by bit. Also this is not directly meant to that person or this person, is just something overall that sometimes happens and might increase in the future.

So, to the problem:  New members need 15 posts to download. OK, good, we can have some interaction and get to know this new people, but lately I've been running into a lot of new posts that are done just for the sake of getting the 15 post done. They create 15 posts, let's say 5 where you can read and discuss something interesting or get to know the person and 10 spam posts that don't add anything.

My suggestion of solution: Make a restriction on how many new posts members under 15 posts can make by day, let's say 3 or 5. This would encourage new members to creat posts with better content (discussion about or favorites gb characters, introductions, etc) since they will have to wait another day to post again anyway or to join some already open threads and add a lot to the discussions and the community.

I honestly don't know much about how the forums work, so maybe this alternative can't be implemented, but we can try to think of something. The thread is open to discussion, feel free to agree or not and add your suggestions  Grin
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Lovux The Great
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« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 06:33:21 pm »

I know exactly what you mean when you mention that there's been something akin to a spam fest going on lately on the forum. (to the staff: would somebody PLEASE clean up the Off Topic Board?)
Sure, not everyone is a forum person or considers him/herself to "have something interesting to say anyway", but if you don't think you'l have anything to say that contribute to any of our discussions, why not just screw it all and keep on reading the series on MangaFox that are only ONE tiny week behind? I can see that you'll want to read more GB, but even if you get your 15 posts, you'll still have only weekly releases (and, as I said, MangaFox updates the GB page with a new chapter almost ALWAYS the same day a new chapter is released on this forum). If you indugle in spam, people will only get irritated and you'll also most likely by banned (AKA loose access to the new chapters) - is it worth it?

Ah, but I'm just ranting. Cheesy

Anyhow, even if we do add a restriction, it still wouldn't stop people from spamming when they actually get to post. The staff members on this froum barely logs in once in a week, so it's fully possible for a thoughtless new comer to post, say, three completely unecessary spam posts a day for a couple of days without anyone doing something about it. But then again, what options do we have? I'm dead tired right now, which makes me unable to think of another method than the one you suggest, with restricted post, but I guess it is worth a try of this forums encoding can work that way. Another option would be to make more moderators OR let other members take over the existing moderators' positions (since they obviously don't have time to properly take care of this forum as they have VISITED this forum maybe two or three times in several MONTHS) that can log in often and make sure everyone's behaving. Someone like Lin would be awesome. Grin

As I said, I'm ridiculously tired (I don't even know why I'm still awake), so I apologize I this post don't make any sense, but those are my thoughts at the moment. I'll come back when I have more ideas or more replies have been made so we have somethign to discuss. Kiss
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Jr. Member

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« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 11:21:15 pm »

Your comment is much apreciated! I am really glad you responded, it seems my posts are not that popular (0-1 replys per post), having one answer already is awesome.  But I wonder what is the problem, is it how I write? The content of my posts? Pherhaps my hair? Supposedly fun comment aside,  this post was creted with the intent to hear what everyone thinks and keep improving or forum! So keep the replys coming.

You think imposing a limit wouldn't work? Well, it would work a little if you think about it. You just asked somebody to clean the Off topic Section right? If the posts were limited to 3, for example, we would have 1 post for introduction (most people do make one), and two spamm post. Then this person probably wouldn't wait another 4 days to be able to download it (it's GB we are talking about, they are out for blood!) and would make 12 replys in already created posts (my guess would be the games posts in the off topic section). At the very least the forum would be cleaner right?

Well, like I said, is just a suggestion, maybe it wouldn't really work. Let's see if anyone comes with a nice ideia that can be implemented.

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« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 10:07:23 am »

I've been noticing more and more that the posts of new people have been pretty meager as far as content goes, so they really are just amounting to spam.  I agree that something should be done about it, but I'm not sure what.  The idea of limiting the number of posts per day might be helpful, but who's to say they won't do the same thing each day they are allowed to post, and we still don't have posts with content?  Even so, it's a good suggestion and may be the easiest one to implement.

One thing I wish is that the new people would at least introduce themselves -- I've seen many newbies posting "I'm new, too" in all the intro threads, but we never find out more than that because they don't make their own thread.   Undecided /personal pet peeve

I've been away recently, so haven't been on the forum as much, but my goal in replying to some of these folk who give 15 short answers and then disappear is to try to engage them in conversation or encourage them to say more.  I don't know how successful that has been or might be, but that's what I'm trying to do!  It wouldn't be nearly as spammie if new folks posting 15 times right off the bat would at least say something substantial.  I know they can, there have been quite a few newbies who understand what we are trying to accomplish with our 15 post rule and actually share good things in their posts.  So I know it can be done, and it is done by many.  But the few who don't really stick out then.

Is there a way for a mod to discount some posts that are too short to count as proper posts?  It might encourage people to actually say more and discourage thinking that any little thing they post counts as good enough.  That may be too complicated for the system, though, to fine tune it in that way.  It would definitely involve monitoring and input from someone in order to explain to a new person that 15 posts of smilies or "me, too" doesn't really count as posting.   Wink  The person doing that would have to have the ability to delete posts, I suppose...

If we were going to start doing that, we might have to change the 15 post rule to include a minimum word count or something!

I agreed early on to be included as a possible mod, and I'm still willing to do that!  In the meantime, I'll just try to influence others for good with my own posts.   Wink
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« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2010, 05:44:41 pm »

I don't think this is the proper way to solve this matter. If you think that you can somehow control the behaviour of the new members or even worse that you can delete all the posts that you consider meaningless or too short, well you're up for a hell of a job (and I would even say a meaningless one too).  Shocked
I think that things must be put in the right perspective.
Lovux got a point there: why people who want to read Getbackers just don't go to Manga Fox? I think it's possible that many of them don't know they can (MangaFox, what's this thing?), so before you go full out in "aggressive mode" why don't try to put a *very big* text or, even better if possible, a banner in the first page with the phrase "If you're here to read Getbackers please go to Manga Fox" and 'eventually' a hyperlink (maybe the text or the banner itself) that points to that page?  Roll Eyes
I've seen in many sites the Simpson's Bart chalkboard image with the repeated line "I'm not gonna write meaningless post". If you really want people to behave properly give them credit and treat them fairly: if they're not a bunch of total *assholes* they will respond accordingly (well, probably many will stay just for the sake of spamming anyway, but their number will certainly decrease). Remember: "softness overcome hardness"... err... maybe it's the wrong saying? Tongue
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 05:53:37 pm by glue » Report Spam   Logged
Jr. Member

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« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2010, 06:01:47 pm »

I think you got the whole ideia of the post wrong. Nobody here is on what you called agressive mode, we are not saying names, cursing, using caps or anything that can be read as offensive at all. Of course nobody likes to open up 30 new posts to see just a smile on it (actually me, Levz and Lin talked a lot on one of those) or other forms of spamming, it get's annoying. All we are trying to do with this not successful post is trying to come up to some ideas to discourage the spamm posting. To be honest I thought this post was dead already as it seems nobody care about this too much.
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« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2010, 05:27:47 am »

Nobody here is on what you called agressive mode, we are not saying names, cursing, using caps or anything that can be read as offensive at all.
Err... never said that as well. Sorry, I must have expressed my thoughts in a wrong way. Lips Sealed
*If* you're thinking of eventually monitor every post to discourage spamming on this forum, that is what i refer to as "aggressive mode" and... well, good luck with that. I wrongly said that "it's a hell of a job" but, as you probably have already figured out by now, I meant it's the time-consuming nasty type of job you really don't want to do. Tongue
As for the minimum word count for a valid post, well if you ask me you're underestimating the ability of people to harm others (in this case 'kill their patience'): in the end you will probably have longer spam messages, that's all.
If you really think that so many people come here to spam just to be able to read Getbackers, I think it's worth a shot reminding them somehow that they don't need to sign-in in the first place: there is MangaFox for that purpose as Lovux already suggested. It doesn't involve much effort, it's painless and it may even work. Wink
To be honest I thought this post was dead already as it seems nobody care about this too much.
I hear ya... Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 05:36:52 am by glue » Report Spam   Logged
Jr. Member

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« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 07:28:18 am »

The ideia wasn't to monitor every single post, but oh well, let's leave it at that, shall we?
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« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2010, 09:04:15 am »

There are actually not so many new folk who come noticeably spamming -- I've been very happy with the number of people who sign up, make conversation, and then after their 15 posts, become stalwart members of the community with lots of posting and interesting input.  That's perhaps why the few who do not, and make posts that only consist of smiley faces stand out so much and try the patience.  That's how I see it, anyway.  So the goal with any kind of monitoring is not really to limit people posting, and not to punish them, it's more to encourage new people to post enough that we can get to know them because we want them around.

Which is part of the reason, perhaps, that we don't push for people to read at Manga Fox -- we want them here so we can visit with them and so our team who provides us with each new chapter gets thoroughly and resoundingly thanked.   Wink  It is an option, of course, and it might be one thing to suggest to those who really aren't wanting to participate in the forum.  It seemed like it would be worth a try to include them here, first, however.

In the end, it probably isn't so necessary to implement anything new, as long as there are so few who spam just to get their count up.  We'll all just have to work together when we see it happening to engage them in conversation so that they feel welcome and want to come back and say something further, even if their original intention wasn't to hang around.
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« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2010, 09:26:04 am »

The ideia wasn't to monitor every single post
I know, I was replaying mainly to Lin's insights (I hope I didn't misunderstood what she meant though). Still, even your idea of limiting the daily allowed posts for newcomers doesn't convince me completely because if they don't have interest/will to write something meaningful just for the sake of talking a little even for 15 posts I don't think that being forced to wait another day to make a 4th or a 6th post can really be a solution, you're just delaying the inevitable.
Which is part of the reason, perhaps, that we don't push for people to read at Manga Fox -- we want them here so we can visit with them and so our team who provides us with each new chapter gets thoroughly and resoundingly thanked.   Wink 
I know that you would like to have a bigger community of active people and I understand that's the reason you don't redirect them to MangaFox as soon as they arrive, I like your idea of engaging them in conversations to make them feel motivated to became more active and I respect what you, Lovux and many others try to do when you can. Still I'm just saying that If that's the current situation I think it's better to be clear with everyone, just that. Anyway I second your thougts about thanking the hard work of the team for releasing new chapters, they really deserve that. Wink

P.S. I know I'm terrible at expressing my thoughts and more often than not I have to clarify what I meant the post before, anyway I'm sorry for any possible misunderstanding. Lips Sealed
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 09:29:49 am by glue » Report Spam   Logged
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« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2010, 10:06:04 am »

...if they don't have interest/will to write something meaningful just for the sake of talking a little even for 15 posts...

I think you hit the nail on the head here with this observation.  In the end, that's how some folk are going to do it, and we might have to just let them.  If the majority continue to be interested, then that is excellent!  More than anything, I want this community to be friendly, so I guess I'd feel bad if we had to brow beat newbies into posting more than they want to.   Cheesy

P.S. I know I'm terrible at expressing my thoughts and more often than not I have to clarify what I meant the post before, anyway I'm sorry for any possible misunderstanding.

I'm glad you commented, because we needed to be able to look at all sides fairly.  As a result, I think I understand the issue better, and instead of feeling irritable about spam posting, I'll be able to be more encouraging next time it happens!   Grin
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« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2010, 12:03:26 pm »

Now that's thinking positive. Wink  That's probably the reason you have such a good karma.
Look, you even earned a +1 point more... Grin
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