[First whine]Following the end of the Marvel's Dark Reign saga, I had once again one of those "WTF?" moments.
US president gives orders to fighter aircrafts to attack american soldiers? I can understand idea that he would want Osborn down as fast as possible, but that was not only stupid but actually
insults as well.
(Yes, I agree that presidents should be insulted regularly but as far has Obama shoved that he possesses brains as well as ability to keep his dick in his pants, which is quite a improvement compared to his predecessors.)That was more then I could handle, so
behold: I made a thread dedicated for whining about how the comic writers seem to be obsessed to give otherwise great books a really really crappy climax.
[Second whine]The glorious "ultimate clone saga". (Ultimate SpiderMan 097-105) And I mean glorious. If you haven't read it, then it's about time. It starts slow, and builds, and builds, and build more and more tension! Drama, action and crossovers in every good way there is! And then comes final fight. The climax and THIS is how they took down the villain!?!
IMAGE LINKNow Peter Parker is a genius. Not a supergenius but still a genius. And even more, he is a practical genius. Yet he(/they) resort to twin punch??
Surely there was something better he could have done. Something smarter.
Why didn't Spider for example electrocute him? Or couldn't he have thrown some battary acid to that bastard? Or some dust or chemichals so that the villain couldn't breathe? Or he could have for god's sake simply turned of the lights and then sneaked from behind! Not to mention that instead of fighting at all, he could have just left from the building and contacted those heavily armed soldiers outside...
But no. That fight is ended with a
twin bunch. And damn it pisses me off. These characters deserve better writing then this!