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You now have to have a minimum of 15 posts in order to download our chapters.

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Author Topic: You now have to have a minimum of 15 posts in order to download our chapters.  (Read 7874 times)
Lovux The Great
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Karma: +33/-0
Posts: 931

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« on: April 21, 2010, 03:50:18 pm »

Yea lol, you haven't been posting much lately. Is something wrong with your arm?

Sadly, yes.  Embarrassed I have had some problems with my right arm (the one I draw with), as it gets really achey and/or tired pretty easily. I've had it ever since spring last year. I let it rest for a while, but the stupid pain showed up again in late autumn. This state is still pretty awful though, as I'm currently enrolled to a comic art program in university, as I'm not able to put as much work into some works as I'd want to, and some things I can't even do at all. it also comes and goes in periods - some days I'm all fine and dandy, other days I have to eat painkillers. And when I actually feel good in my arm, I usually spend as much time as I can drawing, because that is the thing I love to do most in my life, so I don't have much powers left to do some fangirl rants here, even if I'd love to.  Undecided

The only good thing that comes from this arm problem is that I'm slowly but steadly turning ambidextrous - My leftie's WAY better maneuvering the computer mouse than my rightie ever was, and some of my classmates have commented on my (made only for teh lulz) leftie-scetchies that they can't tell the difference between them and my "normal" doodles, done by my right hand.  Shocked
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