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The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Re: What was the latest manga you completed/read?
on: March 18, 2012, 05:48:44 pm
I also finished Tsubasa: reservoir chronicles. The last 3 or 4 volumes were a total mindf**k and I had to read some of the chapters a couple of times in order to grasp what was going on, but the journey (which for me was over the course of nearly 2 years!) was amazing! It also made me really curious about reading xxxHolic. I loved the anime, but never really understood HOW interconnected the two stories got. I think that is going to be my next read.
I am a big fan of xxxHolic -- both the anime and the manga. I just finished reading the final volume of it in English which finally came out; I'd had it on preorder for months! I never actually read Tsubasa, though I cheated and read about it in a Clamp wiki so I could have some kind of vague understanding of its connection to xxxHolic. I really need to read it properly, though. That should be MY next thing I read.
Welcome / Introductions / Re: Hi!
on: March 02, 2012, 03:26:27 pm
Hello and welcome!! I am also a person who fell in love with Get Backers in the anime first, and then went looking for the manga. It's been a long time waiting to have these final volumes in English, but it's only whetted my appetite.
Make yourself at home and post often so we can get to know you better as well! Oh, and don't worry about a language barrier, this forum is one of the most diverse forums I've seen as far as languages spoken goes! We all seem to be able to communicate just fine.
Again, welcome. Let us know if you have any questions! I pass through here frequently and will be happy to help you out if you aren't sure about anything.
The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Getbackers Manga Downloading Links
on: February 26, 2012, 02:56:23 pm
how many volumes are left till the end of volume 39?? I want to read it! There are two chapters left to go, and then it will be finished. Volume 39 is the final volume. It could be another 3 weeks before the last two chapters are completed, but after that, the volume will be posted in this thread. However, I see that you have 10 posts at this time -- if you get 5 more posts in any thread in this forum, you will have access to the chapters from Volume 39 as they are posted, for reading or downloading. The Projects and Releases section part of the forum will become automatically visible to you once you reach 15 posts -- if it doesn't, just log out and log back in and it will be there. That's where each chapter is posted as it is translated.
The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Getbackers Manga Downloading Links
on: February 15, 2012, 08:23:51 am
Hi guys! I found a download of the 39th volume in english! I don't know who's behind this, nor how well his translation his. I'm just happy that the entire seires is finally translated Just wanted to share with your guys. I downloaded it from Mangatraders - signing up is required in order to download, but it's really fast and the manga veriety is huge.! Interesting! I thought it might have been the version done by one of our members who did it for her own benefit and shared it with those who requested it from her site, but just to be sure, I thought I'd check -- since I know she didn't plan on sharing it publicly (which is why our group went ahead and is working on finishing the final volume ourselves). I have an account at Mangatraders, so I downloaded it to see who had done this. There is a credit page at the back which states that it was done by "a random dude" with no affiliation to any scanlation group, who couldn't find volume 39 translated (guess he didn't find our group!) and couldn't wait, so he did one himself using available translations and "slapping it on a raw." He gives links to where he got the translations (and they are ones that our group also credits on our credit page, from a site that belongs to one of our members). Thanks for the heads up on this. There may be some who might want to download this, especially if they already have an account at MT, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the members of this forum wait for the finished version that our group is working on. Our own version of Volume 39 is going to be complete in just three more chapters, which really will only be a matter of a few more weeks at this point. There's something to be said for wanting to read the last few chapters from our own hard-working group! I plan to do that myself, though I'll definitely read this one you found after ours is complete, just to see how it compares.
Welcome / Introductions / Re: HI - hola
on: February 12, 2012, 10:49:48 pm
Hello and welcome! We are glad you found us. Don't worry about your English here, there are many members of our community who don't have English as their first language -- but we still communicate just fine with each other! Make yourself at home here and post as often as you can. Once you reach 15 posts in the forum, you will have access to the most recent chapters of the GB manga. We are currently within 3 chapters of finishing the final volume! Until then, you can find the older volumes here:,57.0.htmlFeel free to ask if you have any questions, we'll help you all we can to feel at home here.
The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Anime Discussion / Re: GetBackers Anime Licensed by Sentai
on: February 02, 2012, 08:20:49 am
I only have English subbed versions downloaded from the internet, so I would really like to have the DVDs, especially if they are dual-audio -- because I can't give up the original voice actors! So I'm going to keep my eye on more news of this. Even though our scanlating group here has almost completed the manga, I wouldn't mind seeing it in book form again by someone as well. I wonder if the release of the DVDs by this company will help renew some interest in GB? Maybe we'll start seeing some merchandise again, whoo hoo!