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The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Anime Discussion / Re: List of recommended anime
on: December 10, 2010, 03:13:39 am
I don't think anyone has mentioned Bartender have they?
Seinen anime, not action at all.... but definitely the only one of it's kind and one of the best I've ever watched. It's a slice of life stuff, very smoothing music and I learned quite a lot about alcohol from it.
But I'm not joking to say that the younger anime watchers would probably find it boring.
The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Anime Discussion / Re: ~* Your Anime Wishlist... *~
on: December 10, 2010, 03:02:47 am
I disagree with the remake of RK, only on the principle that cutting down fillers like Dragonball Kai did will cut back some character development that made the anime a special place.
BUT, after saying that, I do wish they would animate the last arc properly, instead of giving a confusing and squished OVA to animate 10 volumes in 3 episodes. I know there are lots of fan for the OVA style, but... no. Just no.
On GetBackers..... I refuse to acknowledge the second season even exists unless I treat it as a complete AU. Which, I suppose they did the best they could given underlying elements and likely not much detail. I can see the parallel themes, but that's about it. So definite remake of that now that they know what the manga ending is like.
And... why haven't anyone said...
That series really needs to be redone. Like GetBackers' second season, it deviates so much that once again it's its own standalone AU that has only underlying themes. I was hoping that with all the remakes and new additions being common, they might redo this one. Especially with the new movie and all.
Doubt it though.