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We are currently looking for a new Editor and a Japanese to English Translator to work on a new Tokyo Underground manga scanlation project! If your interested in helping out, please send a message to Vent the North through the private message system of this forum.
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Getbackers Manga Scans
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1  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Getbackers' New Side Story.. on: December 11, 2010, 08:07:47 pm
That sounds like it might take a while.
2  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: New Get Backers volumes in English? on: December 10, 2010, 05:35:30 pm

Though... I'm more interested to know if they'll ever translate the fanbook and the Last Piece info book. Though, given how they took out all the author notes in the books, I don't hold much hope in that.
3  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Anime Discussion / Re: List of recommended anime on: December 10, 2010, 03:13:39 am
I don't think anyone has mentioned Bartender have they?

Seinen anime, not action at all.... but definitely the only one of it's kind and one of the best I've ever watched. It's a slice of life stuff, very smoothing music and I learned quite a lot about alcohol from it.

But I'm not joking to say that the younger anime watchers would probably find it boring.
4  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Re: GetBackers authors's new manga! on: December 10, 2010, 03:10:14 am
Long ago the author said he might write another story on the Fuuchion house... I guess he never followed up on that...
5  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Anime Discussion / Re: Post your Anime collection on: December 10, 2010, 03:06:24 am
My collection's longer than Lovux's. orz

*posts what he has watched instead ->

I own all I've watched, and I haven't watched half of what I own.  Roll Eyes
6  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Anime Discussion / Re: Forget quality! What are the WORST anime you've ever watched? on: December 10, 2010, 03:04:01 am
a badly subbed doreamon.... the humor got lost in the translations...


Badly subbed everything in general, but I'm just surprised someone is mentioning a classic here. *nostalgia*
7  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Anime Discussion / Re: ~* Your Anime Wishlist... *~ on: December 10, 2010, 03:02:47 am

I disagree with the remake of RK, only on the principle that cutting down fillers like Dragonball Kai did will cut back some character development that made the anime a special place.

BUT, after saying that, I do wish they would animate the last arc properly, instead of giving a confusing and squished OVA to animate 10 volumes in 3 episodes. I know there are lots of fan for the OVA style, but... no. Just no.


On GetBackers..... I refuse to acknowledge the second season even exists unless I treat it as a complete AU. Which, I suppose they did the best they could given underlying elements and likely not much detail. I can see the parallel themes, but that's about it. So definite remake of that now that they know what the manga ending is like.

And... why haven't anyone said...


That series really needs to be redone. Like GetBackers' second season, it deviates so much that once again it's its own standalone AU that has only underlying themes. I was hoping that with all the remakes and new additions being common, they might redo this one. Especially with the new movie and all.

Doubt it though.
8  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Anime Discussion / Re: What got you started in Anime? on: December 10, 2010, 02:55:32 am
Whoa... I really can't remember. I don't think I was ever not watching anime. Even before the age of 3, it was Saint Seiya, Dragonball, Captain Tsubasa.... Kuropi, even.

I think I watched anime before cartoons.
9  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Who do you think is the strongest GetBackers character? on: December 10, 2010, 02:51:21 am
It's hard to say between Akabane and Ban. Both of them are bottomless pits within the series, and even in the end, the question is only vaguely answered, and not even a straight one!

Then again, the whole GetBackers series was pretty vague once it started entering the last arc.
10  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Getbackers Manga Downloading Links on: December 10, 2010, 02:48:57 am
Thank you for gathering all the volumes together!!
11  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: New Get Backers volumes in English? on: December 10, 2010, 02:39:43 am
So, IS this happening? I've been to manga stores across town, but no one was able to answer me on this. They just said GetBackers is discontinued, and that's it.  Undecided
12  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Getbackers' New Side Story.. on: December 10, 2010, 02:37:16 am
I know this is an old thread...

But HAS the story been scanlated by anyone?
13  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Favorite Move on: December 10, 2010, 02:34:15 am
Is everyone a Ban supporter in here?

I personally liked Kazuki and Juubei's moves. I thought they were more thought out, although they're harder to understand when we are reading the translated versions only.
14  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Favorite Quotes on: December 10, 2010, 02:29:58 am
The sadness seen
On a friend's back as he parts
Reveals your nature like a reflection in a pond

~Semimaru Kanade
15  Claymans Secret Gallery / The Graphics Corner / Re: New sig's and avatars! on: December 10, 2010, 02:26:24 am
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this series either... but I just want to say that the sig styles and coloring are very well done. I might use them anyway (because they're pretty) and credit when I do!
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