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We are currently looking for a new Editor and a Japanese to English Translator to work on a new Tokyo Underground manga scanlation project! If your interested in helping out, please send a message to Vent the North through the private message system of this forum.
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Getbackers Manga Scans
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1  Claymans Secret Gallery / Artists Gallery / Re: Lovux's Art Thread! on: March 27, 2011, 08:22:05 pm
wow that's very good try for a first drawing of Ban. Doesn't look like him but it has got the feeling of Ban..
2  Interests and Hobbies / TV and Movies / Re: Youtube comedy must see on: February 13, 2011, 05:38:57 pm
Haha the grapes one and the short msg is pretty good!

Saw this recently thought it's quite good..

3  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Liar Game on: October 14, 2010, 07:34:35 pm

Hello guys!

I just wanted to recommend Liar Game, which ranks as one of my top must-read manga! Shocked Written by Shinobu Kaitani, Liar Game is a manga with an exciting plot that keeps you thinking! Roll Eyes


The main character, Nao Kanzaki, is drawn into the Liar Game Tournament unexpectedly and is forced to play the game in order to avoid going into debt. The basic rules of the game is that players are loaned money in the sums of millions and has to play against each other in a round to determine the winner. Games within each round vary but mostly involve strategy games, e.g. poker, voting, etc. The money is basically used as a key motivating factor in the game influencing player's decisions to avoid going into debt or to make a fortune. Inevitably, players turn to cheating to try to gain an upper hand against opponents. The story takes a turn when the brutally honest Nao engage the help of a genius swindler, Shinichi Akiyama, to help her in the game.

Currently, the manga has covered six rounds (four main rounds, two revival rounds) but it seems that the mangaka is on hiatus. Not sure why though.

Hmm I really thought that Liar Game in the same genre of manga to Death Note, just that is it more fun 'cause they are actually playing games. My friends and I even went to the extent of playing out some of the games in the manga, check Minority Rule. LOL I have even seen other forum create threads to play the game. It was hilarious! Anyway, do check it out! Cheesy
4  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Re: MAJOR Dramatic Baseball Manga coming to an end on: October 11, 2010, 05:08:34 pm
I marked that One Shot Bench for later reading, it looks interesting -- and actually very much the kind of thing you find in Major.  It can be read here if you are interested:

Ah great! Guess I'll check out Major when I have the time...One Shot Bench looks quite promising so far.
5  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Re: Suggestions for good mangas to read on: October 11, 2010, 03:31:08 pm
Liar Game. you learn about scams and cheats but really smart ones at that...haha
6  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Re: MAJOR Dramatic Baseball Manga coming to an end on: October 11, 2010, 03:29:08 pm
hmm is it really that good? I don't know much about baseball so puts me off a little reading about it. but there's a new baseball manga out by Kishimoto Masashi called One Shot Bench that i'll definitely look out for. You guys seen it yet?
7  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Re: Fullmetal Alchemist... on: August 03, 2010, 06:12:31 am
I like how some mangas teach morals, impart ideas and show the different way of life people lead, through their storylines. FMA is one of these great mangas. Hope to see more great work from the author!

8  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Re: Manga Sites on: August 02, 2010, 08:15:33 am

Does anyone know more about the recent announcement from publishers about taking a stronger stance against scanlations? awww many of the useful sites no longer host manga series for online view. (e.g. Onemanga, mangahelpers etc) hmmm not a very netizen-friendly decision but i guess the authors have the right to their work..I hope they can work on a way to bring manga onto the web openly so that everyone can enjoy the awesome work by all the great mangakas.

what do you all think about this?

9  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Minor characters that you can't forget. on: June 11, 2010, 08:18:54 am Clayman considered a minor character?? She looks hot!:P
10  Welcome / Introductions / Re: Hi...! on: June 08, 2010, 12:38:11 pm
Wilkomen!! Ha I got hooked on it from the anime too! Nothing beats the surpises they spring on you as the story goes on. But I think it is the storyline that draws me back again and again! You'll find a really friendly forum down here!:D
11  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Anime Discussion / Re: Your fav Getbackers Gal on: May 28, 2010, 07:22:10 pm
It's Clayman for  me...She's intelligent and quite pretty as well!! Loves the art and soooo knowledgeable...
12  The Honky Tonk Lounge / General Manga Discussion / Re: Bloody Monday on: May 28, 2010, 06:54:25 pm
Aww guys..I tried to find a download link for Bloody Monday but it seems that the links on Baka Manga to the sites of the scanlators for volume 1 (Gievmoar & S^3) are broken..Anyone can direct me to a link to download the good stuff?? Cheesy 

[Edit] Ah it's fine. I found it on Just have to read it online i onto chapter 5 currently Good Stuff! It sort of reminds me of Death Note.
13  Claymans Secret Gallery / Artists Gallery / Re: Lovux's Art Thread! (Updated!) on: May 21, 2010, 05:03:53 pm
They look really cool!! damn clean and well-defined drawings. Ahhh the most i can do is redraw based on the original artwork Sad You must have studied the manga alot i presume? I really wish i can draw as well as you...
14  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Who here loves Japanese honorifics? on: May 21, 2010, 10:17:07 am
Thanks for the info! It really helps to put the conversations in context now that I know why they are used.
15  The Honky Tonk Lounge / Getbackers Manga Discussion / Re: Who here loves Japanese honorifics? on: May 19, 2010, 07:41:33 pm
Hmmm...come to think of it, from so much manga i read, I think can correctly derive which honorific to use in a conversation but can anyone explain them to me how and why they are used in their particular ways?? I never truely understood it ..
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