Title: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: mudcore on May 26, 2011, 04:56:00 am any manga without much romance? just action and friendship and family? like GB? thanks!
Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: carrasussnasado on May 28, 2011, 12:31:45 am fairy tail has the sense of comradery that get backers has (granted, that is over a much larger group of people).
Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: zweixdrei on May 30, 2011, 07:46:36 am search for other mangas of rando ayamine. for example
Oniwaka to Ushiwaka: Edge of the World Holy Talker the charas are really similar to those of getbackers. Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: mudcore on June 02, 2011, 11:47:33 pm search for other mangas of rando ayamine. for example Oniwaka to Ushiwaka: Edge of the World Holy Talker the charas are really similar to those of getbackers. Do you know where I can read oniwaka and ushiwaka? I found the earlier chapters in mangafox but i guess they stopped scanning the rest Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: Lin on June 03, 2011, 07:52:13 am search for other mangas of rando ayamine. for example Oniwaka to Ushiwaka: Edge of the World Holy Talker the charas are really similar to those of getbackers. Do you know where I can read oniwaka and ushiwaka? I found the earlier chapters in mangafox but i guess they stopped scanning the rest Unfortunately, Oniwaka to Ushiwaka is on hiatus for the time being. Here's a link to the news article about it: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-06-10/getbackers-rando-ayamine-takes-hiatus-to-recuperate (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-06-10/getbackers-rando-ayamine-takes-hiatus-to-recuperate) There's also a thread at the forums here about the manga, since it's being done by the same folks who brought us Get Backers. Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: didop on June 16, 2011, 04:07:51 pm If you don't mind something with a school setting, try Ao no Exorcist?
It's a relatively new series, but definitely has that same Friendship/Family vibe as Getbackers. Funny and action-packed, too :) Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: weirdfire on July 27, 2011, 06:51:05 am I gotta say you could try (if you haven't already) Bleach, One Piece, Beelzebub, Naruto, Ao no Exorcist, Reborn, D. Grayman. That's about the only ones I can think of right now.
Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: mudcore on September 27, 2011, 11:16:52 pm I started watching Ao no Exorcist and it's good so far. And then I found No. 6 and I think it was one of the best. too bad it has only 11 episodes. I think it's close to the get backers ingredients, friendship/scifi/fantasy less romance. I'm a huge scifi sucker and it's one of the reasons why I love gb manga over the anime. Anyway, another one is Bus Gamer, not scifi though, but one character looks like it was patterned to ginji, with yellow hair too. but the anime has only 3 ep. argh, it's like all the stuff I liked were short run series.
Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: jas on September 29, 2011, 02:20:50 am hmmm. but no. 6 has a completely different feel and bus gamer was cut before it even started tho?
ao no exorcist, i can give you that. anyway, anime like getbackers... lots of action, no romance, maybe some family... hmmm. have you seen black cat? Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: mudcore on October 01, 2011, 04:16:50 am hmmm. but no. 6 has a completely different feel and bus gamer was cut before it even started tho? ao no exorcist, i can give you that. anyway, anime like getbackers... lots of action, no romance, maybe some family... hmmm. have you seen black cat? Now that you've mentioned it, yea I think No. 6 have different feel but they have the same ingredients. One thing I love about gb manga is the details of scifi (like electric eel for ginji's powers, the missing link, magenjou construction, alternate universes in divine design what not) they're not just product of pure imagination but also research and no. 6 has that, the neoroscience in safu's script. , the no. 6 city is pretty much like magenjou, the futuristic concept. No. 6 city and magenjou's politics have similarities as well. then the friendship of sion to nezumi, though it's like implying more than friendship compared to gb. scifi/fantasy/friendship less romance, they're the same from my point of view. bus gamer has three anime episodes. though it was just three, i enjoyed it so much :) I looked for black cat in mangafox but the manga is licensed. maybe I should watch the anime first. thanks :) Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: jas on October 01, 2011, 11:41:09 am i'm reccing the black cat manga over the anime, but the anime is still enjoyable.
mangafox? i hate that site, WAY too visible and profiteering. xD there are downloads of the whole manga available on the web, though it might take some looking. as for no. 6... well let's just say ban doesn't give ginji "hot, tender, fierce" kisses ...i'm talking about the novels tho, IDK what the manga will do. Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: skate.101 on October 15, 2011, 01:38:36 pm If you like the little chibi the I would like to recommend FMA has the same type of humour but the plot is a bit complex ..
Title: Re: Anime Similar to Get Backers Post by: fletcherpugh25 on October 20, 2011, 03:43:59 pm Try yu Yu Hakusho and Flame of Recca. Nice action series with a bit of drama |